Is it permissible for one performing the Hajj or the ‘Umrah, whilst performing the tawaaf, to enter the Hajar Ismaa’eel?
Category: Scholars
Visiting Jabal ‘Arafah either before Hajj or afterwards
Some pilgrims visit Jabal ‘Arafah before performing the Hajj or afterwards and pray upon it. What is the ruling regarding visiting Jabal ‘Arafah and what is the ruling regarding praying upon it?
About the tawaaf or the sa’ee once the obligatory prayer begins
What is the ruling about the one performing the Hajj or the ‘Umrah and when the obligatory prayer begins, he has not finished the tawaaf or sa’ee?
Women crowding amongst the men at as-Safaa and al-Marwah
We see [some] women ascending upon as-Safaa and al-Marwah and crowd amongst the men. Is this from the Sunnah for the women to ascend upon as-Safaa?
Visiting the ‘Seven Masaajid’ and other places in Madeenah
What is the ruling regarding visiting the ‘Seven Masaajid’ or Masjid al-Ghamaamah or some of the other places that some of the pilgrims visit?
Kissing the Yemeni corner
Is it permissible to kiss the Yemeni corner [of the Ka’bah]?
Making the talbiyah and the rest follow in chorus
What is the ruling regarding the pilgrims making talbiyyah as a group [in chorus], whereby one of them makes the talbiyyah and the rest follow him?
Making the talbiyah as a group in chorus
What is the ruling regarding making the talbiyyah as a group in chorus?
Mistakes which occur during the tawaaf
There are some mistakes which occur whilst making tawaaf, what are those mistakes?
Supplicating for parents in the salaah and passing the reward of reading the Qur.aan or doing the tawaaf to them
They say that supplicating for the parents in the obligatory prayers is not permissible and nor is passing over to them the reward for completing the Qur.aan or the tawaaf.