What is the ruling regarding wiping the neck during wudhoo and washing the [required] parts [of the body] for wudhoo more than three times?
Category: Scholars
Reading the Qur.aan in congregation
What is the ruling regarding reading the Qur.aan in congregation especially on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday) before the imaam arrives?
Hiring a reciter to read the Qur.aan upon the soul of the deceased
What is the ruling regarding hiring a reciter to read the Noble Qur.aan upon the soul of the deceased?
Two or more khutbahs in ‘Arafah
They pray where they are, so one of them stands and delivers a khutbah and then leads the prayer, just like in a masjid. So, is it permissible to have two [or more] khutbahs in ‘Arafah?
Making tawaaf around the Prophet’s chamber
What is the ruling regarding making tawaaf around the Prophet’s chamber?
Touching the mihraab and the minbar of the Prophet’s Masjid
What is the ruling regarding touching the mihraab and the minbar of the al-Masjid an-Nabawee?
Washing the stones for stoning the Jamaraat
What is the ruling regarding washing the stones for stoning [the Jamaraat]?
Kissing relatives of the deceased when conveying condolences
What is the ruling regarding kissing the relatives of the deceased when conveying condolences?
Sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet loudly after the congregational prayers
What is the ruling regarding sending prayers [and salutations] upon the Prophet Muhammad loudly after the congregational prayers, and in the supplication after the congregational prayers?
Making wudhoo before carrying out the sacrifice
On the Day of ‘Eed al-Adhhaa, after leading the people in prayer, he makes wudhoo in front of everyone before he carries out the sacrifice. So, is it permissible to eat the meat from his sacrifice?