Are there any innovations which some people fall into [when] at the grave of the Messenger ﷺ?
Category: Scholars
Kissing the Qur.aan
I have seen amongst the people that which I have never heard of nor seen before and that is kissing the Qur.aan as [one sees] two men kissing each other [out of brotherly love].
Abandoning a particular masjid due to the innovations which occur therein
Is it permissible to abandon attending a masjid wherein there occur many innovations?
Reading the Qur.aan over the deceased and placing it on their stomach
What is the ruling regarding the reading of the Qur.aan over the deceased and placing the Qur.aan on their stomach?
Qur.aans at the graveside for reading
At some graves there are Qur.aans for whoever wishes to read over the dead. What is your opinion on this?
Pronouncing the intention for the salaah, wudhoo, tawaaf and sa’ee
What is the ruling regarding pronouncing the intention for the salaah, the wudhoo, the tawaaf and the sa’ee?
Saying “صدق الله العظيم” after finishing reading the Qur.aan
What is the ruling regarding the saying of “sada qAllaahul-‘Adtheem” after finishing reading of the Qur.aan?
Kissing and wiping the Qur.aan over the eyes
We notice that some brothers, when they begin to read the Noble Qur.aan, they kiss it and wipe it over their eyes and face. So, seeking your advice, is this mentioned in the Sharee’ah?
Islaamic nasheed
Is Islaamic inshaad (singing/chanting) permissible for men? And is it permissible to accompany inshaad with the playing of the duff? Is inshaad permissible for other than ‘Eeds and parties?
Recommended acts on the day of ‘Aashooraa
What is obligatory upon the Muslim to do on the day of ‘Aashooraa (tenth day of Muharram), and is Zakaat al-Fitr obligatory [on that day]?