He is the Noble Shaykh, the Scholar of Hadeeth Rabee’ Ibn Haadee ‘Umayr al-Madkhalee. He comes from the well-known tribe of al-Madaakhalah from the province of Jaazaan to the south of Saudi Arabia. It is one of the tribes of Banee Shabeel, and Shabeel was the son of Yashjub Ibn Qahtaan. He was born in […]
Category: Scholars
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.7
Is it permissible to participate in celebrating the remembrance of al-Mi’raaj (the ascending of the Prophet ﷺ to the heavens)?
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.6
What is the ruling regarding celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ, and does the Prophet ﷺ attend [physically or spiritually]?
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.5
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ, gathering people together and talking about the life of the Messenger…
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.4
Is celebrating the Prophet’s birthday halaal or haraam?
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.3
Is this gathering Islaamically correct, and what is befitting for us to do on the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ, and when was he born, on which day, month, and year?
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.2
Is gathering [the people] on the 12th day of Rabee’ al-Awwal in remembrance of the birth of the Prophet ﷺ permissible?
Actualising one’s love for the Messenger of Allaah
How can one actualise [their] love for the Messenger ﷺ?
Starting the adhaan by reciting aayah 56 of Soorah al-Ahzaab
Is it confirmed from the life of the Messenger ﷺ that he started the adhaan by reciting [Aayah 56 of Soorah al-Ahzaab]?
Reciting the Ta’awwadh (أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم) and the Basmalah (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم) before the adhaan
What is the ruling regarding the recital of “a’oodhoo billaahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem” and “Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem” before the adhaan?