Is it a must for one who is fasting, that when he makes the intention to fast in Ramadhaan that he specify that it is an obligatory fast?
Category: Scholars
Breaking the fast according to the Sunnah
Is there any reward for [breaking the fast with] these preferable [food items]?
The place of the intention is in the heart
What is the ruling regarding making the intention vocally, such as when some people make the intention to fast [by saying]; “O Allaah, I have made the intention to fast”?
Preferred food items to break the fast with
Which food items are preferred for the fasting person to break his fast with?
Expiation for anal intercourse
Concerning the one who had anal sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan, does he have to make an expiation?
Had sexual intercourse whilst fasting, and died before making expiation
If a man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan and died before he could make expiation, is he thus relieved of making expiation?
Had sexual intercourse with my wife not knowing it was first day of Ramadhaan
I had sexual intercourse with my wife during the day in Ramadhaan. I was not aware that it was the first day of Ramadhaan…
Delaying making up the fasts until arrival of following Ramadhaan
What is required from the one who delays making up the fasts of one Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan?
Doing that which is impermissible whilst fasting
If one who is fasting does that which is not permissible for one who is fasting, does it ruin his fast and does he have to refrain from all that which breaks the fast for the rest of the day?
Taking an injection whilst fasting
I took an injection in my vein during the day in Ramadhaan. Is my fast for this day valid or is it obligatory upon me to make up this day?