In Makkah al-Mukarramah, whilst performing the tawaaf al-wadaa’ and after I had made five circuits around the Ka’bah I felt some movement in my backside…
Category: Scholars
Performing the sacrifice and foot and mouth disease
It is permissible for Muslims living in Europe not to sacrifice animals during this ‘Eed al-Adhaa festival because of the foot-and-mouth disease.
Offering voluntary prayers after Salaat az-Zhuhr and Salaat al-‘Asr
Is it permissible for the one performing Hajj to perform supererogatory prayers after having offered Salaat az-Zhuhr and Salaat al-‘Asr with the imaam…
Unable to find a place to rest in Muzdalifah
What of the one performing Hajj being unable to find a place [to rest] in Muzdalifah during the night of ‘Eed. What is the ruling?
‘Abdul-’Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh
He is the noble Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn ‘Abdullaah Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Lateef Aal ash-Shaykh. He was born in Riyadh in 1362 A.H./1941 C.E., and since his birth he suffered from weak eyesight, until he lost his sight altogether in 1381 A.H./1960 C.E. He began seeking knowledge by studying the Noble Qur.aan at Masjid Ahmad Ibn […]
Making the sacrifice and then leaving it
What is the ruling about someone who slaughters his sacrifice and then leaves it, is this rewarded or not?
Ruling concerning doing ramee on 11th day of Dhul-Hijjah, then the tawaaf before travelling
What is the ruling concerning one who does ramee on the 11th day [of Dhul-Hijjah], then makes the Tawaaf al-Wadaa’ around the House (Ka’bah) before travelling?
Starting the stay in Muzdalifah before the first half of the night
What is the ruling about [starting] the stay in Muzdalifah before the first half [of the night]?
Did not cut or shave off hair after completing the sa’ee
One who was performing the ‘Tamattu’ Hajj made the sa’ee then changed into his normal clothes but did not shave or cut his hair.
“Gifting” the reward of performing tawaaf to someone else
What is the ruling regarding “gifting” the reward of performing tawaaf to someone else, whereby some people approach others and say to them: “Do seven for me!”