What is the role of the scholars, and the callers [to Islaam], and those giving sermons towards what al-Masjid al-Aqsa is being subjected to in the attempts to desecrate, or perhaps demolish it?
Category: Scholars
This is how the life of this world is
He was born yesterday, [and we welcomed the] blessing of the birth, and all Praise is due to Allaah for safety and protection.
Remember, and be grateful for all your blessings
…[this] means that we are sinful if we do not remember the blessings [of Allaah].
I am a housewife
“I am a housewife, and don’t [go out to] work. And most of my time is spent with my children, looking after them, and at the service of my husband. And [whilst] I am in the kitchen, I listen to the [recitation of the] Qur.aan; so am I rewarded for [any of] that?”
Increase in fasting during the month of Sha’baan
Therefore, it is befitting for a person to fast a lot during [the month of] Sha’baan, following the example of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ
Died at a young age and had not done hajj or ‘umrah
My brother died at the age of 35, and he had not performed hajj. Should I perform ‘umrah or hajj on his behalf – even though he had not done so?
The importance of prayer
He who [exherts himself in] protect[ing] his religion, and [likewise protecting] his prayer – which [itself] is a pillar of the religion [of Islaam], does not leave it wherever he may be
Earthquakes are increasing
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Earthquakes are increasing [in frequency]. [And] زَلَازِل is the plural of زِلْزَال – and refuge is sought in Allaah [from their harm]. And it is the movement of the earth. Allaah has made the earth a firm abode, and has anchored it with mountains so […]
Striving in the pursuit of people’s satisfaction
[Striving in the pursuit of] people’s satisfaction is an unattainable goal, and [instead], striving to guide them is a good deed that should not be neglected.
So-and-so is speaking about you
So those who have [sound] knowledge of the religion of Allaah do not pay any attention to fitnah – even if the people created a drama [over it].