A man asked another to sell something [on his behalf], and the price of this object is for example 3 deenaars. And this person sells it for 4 deenaars, and keeps for himself the difference.
Category: Scholars
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ – no.1
What is the ruling regarding celebrating the birthday of the Prophet ﷺ in the month of Rabee’ al-Awwal in honour of him ﷺ?
Buying goods using debit cards
I hope your excellencies can advise us about using Saudi Net [debit] cards when buying items from stores…
Selling and renting videos
I would like to open up a video store to sell and rent only tapes which are permitted by the Ministry of Information, whilst adhering to the teachings and not opposing anything in the Sharee’ah.
Calling people who do shirk to tawheed
Should we call them to tawheed only, or should we call them to tawheed and all the matters of religion, such as perfecting the salaah and other than that from the affairs of the religion?
Saying “‘Alee Karra-mAllaahu wajhahu”
How correct is it to say: “‘Alee Karram-Allaahu wajhahu” (‘Alee [ibn Abee Taalib], may Allaah honour his face (i.e. him))”?
Asking the people of knowledge
Is it sufficient for me to take the opinion of one of the Muslim scholars who is known to be knowledgeable, righteous and God-fearing, and…
Women shortening their hair out of necessity
What is the ruling regarding shortening their hair out of necessity such as in the UK where the women find washing their hair difficult due to the cold weather so because of this they shorten it.
Living with someone who drinks alcohol
The students who live with me say that they drink beer. So is there any sin upon me if I sit or eat with them or [even] talk to them?
Pictures of the grave of the Messenger of Allaah
[Having bought these pictures], some people then hang them on their walls. And the question is, is it permissible to sell these pictures and hang them [on the walls] or not?