I read in a book that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) the son of Mary ﷺ will descend from the heavens before the Day of Resurrection, and shall rule upon the earth for 40 years.
Category: Scholars
Whoever abuses the religion and the Prophets
hat is the ruling regarding someone who abuses the religion or any of the prophets?
My husband sucks my breasts like a baby
Only six months have passed since we got married, and every time we go to sleep he grabs hold of me and begins sucking my breasts like a baby, so I said to him: “This is wrong!”
Taking a ghusl after sexual intercourse or after ejaculation without sexual intercourse
I play around with my wife a lot and notice that I ejaculate without having sexual intercourse with her, and likewise, she plays around with me, and nothing comes out of her either.
The husband entering his wife’s vagina from behind
Is it permissible for a man to enter his wife (have sexual intercourse) in her vagina from behind?
Husband calls his wife to bed, but she is ill and unable to respond to his call
Does the woman fall into sin if she refuses her husband when he calls her [to his bed] if she is suffering from a fleeting mental lapse, or she is ill and suffering from pain?
The junub making wudhoo before going to sleep
Is it permissible for one who is junub to sleep before making wudhoo?
Taking a ghusl even if ejaculation did not occur
Is it obligatory for the married couple to take a ghusl after sexual intercourse, even if ejaculation did not occur?
Husband and wife looking at each others bodies
Is it permissible, according to the Sharee’ah, for a woman to look at the entire body of her husband, and for him to look at her with the intention of seeking enjoyment in that which is halaal?
Having sexual intercourse with the wife whilst she is pregnant
Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse with the wife whilst she is pregnant? And is there any evidence in the Qur.aan and the Sunnah which indicates a permissibility or impermissible for this?