What is required of the Muslims

Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: This questioner asks, what is your advice to the Muslims in light of these conditions in which [the Muslims reside in] Palestine, and what action should the Muslims take? Response: The action that the Muslims are required to take with [respect to] their oppressed and persecuted brothers [and […]

Praying for the oppressed Muslims everywhere

Reference: al-Liqaa. ash-Shahree, v2 https://binothaimeen.net/content/555 Question: …and [do you have] any prayers for our Muslim brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Palestine, and other than them everywhere? And may Allaah reward you with the best of rewards. Response: Prayers are offered for [all] our Muslim mujaahideen brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Palestine, and […]

Ibn Taymiyyah the Salafee

So he spent about 3 months studying these books, and Shaykh Muhammad Khaleel Harraas – who explained [the treatise of] al-Waasitiyyah – he said that after he studied what he was able to of the books of Shaykh al-Islaam during this period, it became apparent to him that he had not [correctly] understood Islaam until after he had studied these books [of Ibn Taymiyyah].

Do not be negligent in watching over your children

Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: [And] many of them are very negligent [of their responsibility] towards their children. So you find he does not ask [his children] where did they go, and nor when they came [back], and nor who their friends are, and nor who their companions are. And nor […]