Someone used to fast the six [days] of Shawwaal. If he [then] becomes ill or something prevents him from fasting or he just becomes lazy from fasting in a particular year, is there any sin upon him?
Category: Scholars
Wore a pair of shorts whilst in the state of ihraam
A year ago, I performed the ‘Umrah and was ignorant of some of the conditions. When I entered the state of ihraam at the meeqaat, I wore a pair of shorts and I was ignorant about this issue.
He becomes unconscious every time he wishes to fast
There is a man who becomes unconscious every time he wishes to fast, thereby striking out with his arms and legs, remaining in this state of unconsciousness for days…
Delaying the tawaaf al-ifaadhah until the tawaaf al-wadaa’
Is it permissible to delay the tawaaf al-ifaadhah until the tawaaf al-wadaa’ and how about taking a break between the seven circuits [of the tawaaf] to drink some water or other than this?
My young child insists on fasting despite his weak health
My young child insists on fasting [during] Ramadhaan despite it harming him due to his young age and weak health. So can I use harshness with him to break his fast?
Entering the state of ihraam whilst travelling in an airplane
When should one, intending Hajj or ‘Umrah and travelling by air, enter the state of ihraam?
Two eyelashes fell off after wiping the face from supplicating
My eyes reddened and when I finished, I wiped my hands over my face and tears, as a result two eyelashes fell off. I had not intended this so is there anything required of me in this case?
Hajj Badal on behalf of 16 year old who has died
My son died when he was 16 years old and had not performed the Hajj. So, must I perform the Hajj on his behalf?
Making tawaaf on behalf of the deceased
Is it permissible for a person to make tawaaf for his deceased parents or one of his relatives who are deceased?
The fast of the child
Should the young discerning child be ordered to fast? Also, is it (the fast) accepted from him if he attains puberty during his fast?