Which of the two is better – i) Freeing oneself for giving da’wah, or ii) Freeing oneself to seek knowledge?
Category: Scholars
Cutting the hair short to reduce falling out
My wife complains of her hair falling out a lot and it was said to her to cut it short as this will reduce the falling out [of the hair]. Is this permissible?
العلاقة بين الصوفية و الرافضة
Part 1 of 2 Part 2 of 2
Using a credit card
I request you to explain the ruling regarding the use of this card, and are there any specific conditions which need to exist if the use of the card was not permissible?
Weak in his tajweed, yet reciting the Qur.aan leading the prayer
I inform you that I am the imaam of a masjid in one of the suburbs of Riyadh and the problem is that I am weak in my tajweed during recitation and make many errors.
Taliban destroying statues
Taliban destroying statues
The life of Shaykh al-Albaanee
Part 1 of 2 Part 2 of 2
Saying «أقامها الله و أدامها» after the iqaamah
We hear some people say «أقامها الله و أدامها» after the iqaamah for the prayer [is called]. What is the ruling regarding this?
Boycotting American products
Boycotting American products
Whilst praying voluntary prayer, the congregational prayer starts
What is the overall opinion as to what to do when performing the naafilah prayer and the [congregational] prayer has started?