Did the israa and mi’raaj of the Messenger ﷺ take place in his dream, or was it when he was awake?
Category: Scholars
Harbouring harshness and cruelty towards others
If a person has harshness and cruelty in his heart [towards others], then what can soften his heart from this harshness and cruelty?
When the traveller shortens his prayer
Is it permissible to combine [the prayer] during his stay in the city he has reached?
‘Umrah Badal on behalf of the deceased
Regarding the ‘umrah, can it be performed on behalf of another, since my father has died without performing the ‘umrah – and I live [too] far away [to do so on his behalf myself]?
Disconnected rows in the congregational prayer
I am one of the imaams of the masaajid, and hope you can answer some of these questions [So] he says, what is the ruling regarding the prayer [performed] in rows which are disconnected?
From the signs of the Last Hour
Is the death of the scholars, and the passing away of the righteous [ones considered] from [amongst] the signs of the end of time and the the [Last] Hour?
Trials and tribulations are from the Signs of the Last Hour
The occurrence of much trials and tribulations, as well as [serious] incidents and jealousy has been noted during these times – so is this from the signs of the Last Hour?
Are children a blessing or a curse?
When children are upon goodness, is this a blessing [from Allaah]; and when they are corrupt, are they a curse?
When to take a bath on Friday
When does [the legislated time for] the bath of the day of jumu’ah begin; does it begin [after maghrib] the previous night, or after the fajr prayer, or [is it] after sunrise?
My husband does not pray
My husband does not pray, and I sometime wake him up for the salaah, but he severely admonishes me, and sometimes he [even] beats me. [So] should I leave him be, or should I [continue to] encourage him to pray, or what should I do with him? Please guide me, and baara-kAllaahu feekum.