I have a question regarding the prayer [whilst seated] on chairs – which has become widespread in the masaajid; it has become widespread in the masaajid. [So] is [the performance of] the prayer [whilst sitting] on a chair better, or [whilst sitting] on the floor – because of the prostration and the rest of the [required] pillars of the prayer?
Category: Scholars
A third of Ramadhaan has already passed
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said[1]: On this night, the night of Sunday 11th of the blessed month of Ramadhaan, [of the] year 1420 (December 19th 1999). Tonight is the night of Sunday, [which is] the first day of the week. Tonight is the night of Sunday, [which is] the first of […]
What to do with haraam earnings
How can I rid myself of haraam money if it has become mixed-up with my halaal money – which I have earnt in accordance with the Islaamic Sharee’ah [guidelines]?
Boycotting between brothers
After the death of my father, there ensued a financial disagreement between me and my brother; this disagreement has [now] continued [between us] for [many] years. So, I sought refuge [in Allaah] from Shaytaan the accursed, and began to telephone him and show kindness to him, but he does not reciprocate. I [also] began to visit him with my children to initiate an air of politeness [between us], but he does not let us in[to his house]. So what should my position [now] be [towards my brother], as I feel pain [at our deteriorating state of affairs] O noble Shaykh, since my father and mother have [both] passed away?
Seeking a divorce from one who does not pray in the masjid
One of the sisters asks: If my husband does not pray the congregational prayer in the masjid with the [rest of] the Muslims, do I [have the right to] seek divorce and separation from him?
My obligation towards my father who does not pray nor fast
My father does not pray, nor fast; he smokes, and he swears a lot and has a foul and obscene tongue. He has begun to oppress my mother, and I do not love him, and [instead] hate him for doing these things. [So] what is my obligation towards my father?
Cracking the knuckles during the prayer
Is it permissible to crack the knuckles and [take off and] put spectacles in the pocket during the prayer?
The ‘ishaa prayer in congregation
And this man says he delays the ‘ishaa prayer until after the middle of the night, so is this correct [for him to do], or is it mandatory for him to pray [the ‘ishaa prayer] after the adhaan – along with the [rest of the] congregation?
The time for the night prayer
Regarding the night prayer, is it to be estimated in hours, or should one just assume it to be after the ‘ishaa prayer, and [if he then] prays the night prayer will it suffice him?
The fasting Muslim should know
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee said: So the fasting person should know that he is in a great season like no other, and this season the smart one is careful to ensure that he benefits from it by reciting the Book of Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) , and contemplating it, and […]