Reference: Majmoo’ al-Fataawa – v7, p493 Ibn Taymiyyah said: “I have not seen anything that nourishes the mind and the soul, and preserves the body, and ensures [genuine] happiness more than perpetually looking at the Book of Allaah.”
Category: Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Intentionally broke fast and then had sexual intercourse
Regarding a man who intentionally broke his fast in Ramadhaan, then had sexual intercourse [with his wife]. Is he required to make up [the fast] in addition to making an expiation, or is he just required to make up [the fast] without making an expiation?
Making a new intention everyday fasting in Ramadhaan
What do you say about the one fasting in Ramadhaan; Is he required to make [a new] intention every day?
Intention for fasting
Concerning an imaam of a Hanafee masjid who mentioned to his congregation that he has a book in which it mentions – if the intention for the fasts of Ramadhaan are not made before the last appointed time for the ‘Ishaa [prayer] or [even] after it or at the time of suhoor (the pre-dawn meal), then there is no reward for his fast. So is this correct or not?
Excreted prostatic fluid whilst kissing and cuddling wife
Regarding [the husband] if he kissed his wife, or cuddled her and thereby excreted prostatic fluid, does that invalidate his fast or not?
He becomes unconscious every time he wishes to fast
There is a man who becomes unconscious every time he wishes to fast, thereby striking out with his arms and legs, remaining in this state of unconsciousness for days…
The superiority of the last ten nights of Ramadhaan and the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
Regarding the [first] ten [days and nights] of Dhul-Hijjah and the [last] ten [days and nights] of Ramadhaan, which of the two are superior?