My Mother performed the Hajj seven times, so is it permissible for me myself to perform [another] Hajj on her behalf?
Category: Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz
Travelling for the purpose of the funeral prayer
What is the ruling regarding travelling for the purpose of the funeral prayer?
The consequences of committing major shirk
Does everyone who commits ash-Shirk al-Akbar become a mushrik, and thereby the [appropriate] rulings pertaining to the mushrikeen are applied upon them?
Saying “السلام عليكم” to an unknown caller on the telephone
What is the ruling regarding saying ‘as-salaam [‘alaykum] to someone on the telephone if you do not know whether they are Muslim or not?
Two rak’ah Sunnah prayer after the Maghrib adhaan and before the iqaamah
What is the ruling of the tahiyyatul-masjid just after the adhaan of Maghrib and before the prayer, whilst the time period between the adhaan and the iqaamah is short?
Raising the hands in supplication after the obligatory prayer
Is there any evidence to suggest that the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ raised his hands in supplication after the obligatory prayer itself…
Havng mercy upon an open sinner
When a Muslim dies, is it permissible to have/show mercy to him if he was a faasiq (open sinner) during his life?
Urinating whilst standing-2
Is it permissible for a person to urinate whilst standing, keeping in mind that nothing [of the urine] touches his body or his clothes?
Those who exploit the religion for their own advantage
There are those who exploit the religion for their own advantage, specifically during the Gulf conflict [of 1991]. So what is your advice regarding that?
فتنة محمد المسعري
فتنة محمد المسعري