If the secondary level (high school) exam is in Ramadhaan, is it permissible for the student to refrain from fasting in Ramadhaan so he is able to concentrate on [preparing for] the exam?
Category: Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz
Water entered his mouth whilst fasting
A man who was fasting took a bath and due to the force of the pressure of the water, water entered [his mouth and then] his stomach without him intending; So is he obliged to make up [the fast for that day]?
Using eye drops whilst fasting
Does the application of [eye] drops during the day in Ramadhaan break the fast or not?
Did not make up missed fasts before arrival of following Ramadhaan due to negligence
What is the ruling regarding the one who did not make up the missed fasts of Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan, whilst he did not have a[n Islaamically valid] reason? Is it sufficient for him to repent [to Allaah] in addition to making up [the missed fasts] or is he [also] required to make an expiation (kaffaarah)?
Praying in other than the direction of the qiblah
What is the ruling [in a situation] where it has become apparent the prayer was performed in other than the direction of the qiblah – after having made ijtihaad? And is there a difference between whether this was in a Muslim country or not?
Prayer during very short days and nights
In some places [on Earth], the night or the day continue for a long [period of] time, and [in others] they are so short that the time is insufficient for the five [obligatory] prayers; so how should the residents there pray?
The congregational takbeer
Regarding [pronouncing] the takbeer in the masaajid, should one of the people make the takbeer and [the rest of] the people [follow by] making the takbeer after him?
Latecomer takes a child’s place in line
If a young child is standing in line [for the prayer], is it permissible for whoever arrives late to move him to the back or should he stand in line beside him? If it is not permissible to move him back, what is the ruling if he is then unable to perform the prayer properly?
Addressing the imaam whilst in prayer
If the imaam goes into the rukoo’ position before me, is it permissible for me to say ‘Subhaa-nAllaah’ so as to alert him to wait for me or [even] say ‘Indeed. Allaah is with those who are patient’ so that he waits for me or should I not do any of the above?
He missed the ‘Eed prayer
If a person misses the ‘Eed prayer, then he should make up for it in its [known] manner.