Those who deride the Scholars
Category: Shaykh ‘Abdul-’Azeez ibn Baaz
The Last Hour will come to pass when only evil people will be left on Earth
We often hear that the Last Hour will not come to pass until Islaam prevails on Earth. But we also hear that it will come to pass when there is no one who says «Laa ilaaha il-Allaah»…
Praising the Scholars of Madeenah
Praising the Scholars of Madeenah
The fast of the child
Should the young discerning child be ordered to fast? Also, is it (the fast) accepted from him if he attains puberty during his fast?
Excretion of prostatic fluid whilst fasting
Does the excretion of madhee (prostatic fluid) for whatever reason break the fast or not?
Is wife required to pay kaffaarah if she had sexual intercourse with her husband during the day in Ramadhaan
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan and [as such] he has fasted the penalty (kaffaarah) of two months consecutively.
The obligation upon the Muslim Scholars
What is the obligation upon the Muslim scholars with regards to facing the trials and calamities that have befallen the Islaamic world?
The enemies of Allaah are very eager to enter into the lands of the Muslims
So what efforts do you believe should be exerted in order to put a stop to this surge that has threatened the Islaamic societies?
Depositing money in a bank for safe keeping
Is it permissible for whoever has a lump sum of money to put it in a bank with the intention for safe keeping, and whenever the zakaah is obligatory upon that sum of money he extracts the required amount and gives the zakaah? Please advise us, and may Allaah reward you with good.
Using ribaa funds for good causes
I had shares in a bank which deals with ribaa, and then I sold them and earnt a profit. And now, some time has passed and I do not know what to do with it (the profit). So what do you advise me with? And may Allaah reward you with good.