And it is from falsehood to have someone else make istikhaarah for him, and wait to see something in a dream which would guide him to do [something] or leave [it].
Category: Shaykh ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti
Which part of my body should I conceal?
“Reveal that part (portion) of your body which can endure the fire of Hell.”
From the means which aid uprightness
Maintaining close ties with the scholars
Returning to the scholars for guidance
So by the permission of Allaah, by returning to the scholars [for guidance] there is salvation from the fitan.
A treasure trove of knowledge-based benefits
Reference: صحيح البخاري وشروحه مليئة بالكنوز والفوائد العلمية ولا سيما الديوان العظيم فتح الباري وغالب هذه الفوائد منه. #فوائد_مجلس_صحيح_البخاري@majlesalbukhari — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr Alqaryooti (@alqaryooti) February 21, 2018 Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and [all of] its explanations are packed with a treasure trove of knowledge-based benefits; particularly the great […]
The greatest gift for the parents
Some children give their parents gifts, and this is nice, and being good to them, and [a show of] affection [to them] – may Allaah reward them with good.
Ponder for a moment
Ponder [for a moment]. How many of your friends have passed away?
Strive hard in keeping away from the paths of Shaytaan
Strive hard in keeping away from the paths of Shaytaan and his misguidance…
Pray before you are prayed upon
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you will begin praying when you become old; pray before you are prayed upon!
The problem however, is…
It is not a problem that some of the Muslims today are ignorant about their religion, because this [condition] can be treated (rectified) with knowledge…