Very mistaken is he who thinks that encouraging children to memorise the Qur.aan preoccupies them or delays their achievement at school.
Category: Shaykh ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti
The state of our existence in this world
So ponder and reflect [O] Abdullaah – what [deeds] have you done for the hereafter?
This is how the life of this world is
He was born yesterday, [and we welcomed the] blessing of the birth, and all Praise is due to Allaah for safety and protection.
The importance of prayer
He who [exherts himself in] protect[ing] his religion, and [likewise protecting] his prayer – which [itself] is a pillar of the religion [of Islaam], does not leave it wherever he may be
The three aspects of backbiting
Reference: قال الحسن: الغيبة ثلاثة أوجه كلها فى كتاب الله: الغيبة، والإفك، والبهتان.(1) فأما الغيبة: فهى أن تقول فى أخيك ما هو فيه.(2) وأما الإفك: فأن تقول فيه ما بلغك عنه.(3) وأما البهتان: فأن تقول فيه ما ليس فيه.ولا خلاف بين العلماء فى أن الغيبة من الكبائر.«تفسير المراغي» — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof Dr […]
What time is my flight?
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Dr. ‘Aasim al-Qaryooti said: “My flight is at exactly 12 noon!” [So] how long will you continue to sleep? How will you get to the airport [in time] so you don’t miss the flight? Or how will you get to the train station? Okay, [so in contrast] have […]
Reflect on what we want to share before sharing
Reference: إذا كان هناك نزاع بين طرفين فمن الخطأ والإثم أن ترسل لأي طرف ما قاله الآخر، أو تخبره بقوله، لأنه ربما كان في ذلك من زيادة الشقة والفراق والنزاع بينهما، لذا فلنتأمل ما نريد إرساله قبل الإرسال، فإن كانت هنالك مصلحة متحققة بإذن الله فأرسل وأخبر، وإلا فدع. — أ.د. عاصم القريوتي Prof […]
I feel shy towards them
I have my parents with me, and i feel shy towards them [that i should engage in a phone call in their presence].
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue
Tire your feet, and do not tire your tongue.
Harsh in character with his family
Why do many people have an element of severity [in their character] towards their wife and their children…