Just a short time ago, Fatwa-Online was informed of the official decision and announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia that since the moon of Shawwaal was sighted this evening, here in Saudi Arabia, we shall be completing twenty nine (29) days of Ramadhaan (1423 A.H.), in accordance with the hadeeth of the […]
Category: News
Ramadhaan 1422 – High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia
Just a short time ago, Fatwa-Online was informed of the official decision and announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia that since the moon of Ramadhaan was sighted this evening, here in Saudi Arabia, we have completed twenty nine (29) days of Sha’baan (1422 A.H.), in accordance with the hadeeth of the Messenger […]
Shaykh Jibreen clarifies position regarding fatwa attributed to him
Earlier today, Fatwa-Online was informed by Maajid al-‘Alee that: Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Jibreen, previously a member of the Council of Senior Scholars said: Indeed that which took place a few weeks ago in the hijacking of the airplanes and crashing them into the buildings is impermissible, and we reject it and distance ourselves from such […]
Grand Mufti – Support your brethren in Afghanistan
Earlier today, Fatwa-Online was informed that: Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the mufti of Saudi Arabia and the head of the Council of Senior Scholars and The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa has asked all the Muslims in Saudi Arabia, both the nationals and non-nationals, to support their refugee brethren in Afghanistan by offering […]
al-Luhaydaan: Deadly attacks in USA are a “terrible crime”
Earlier today, Fatwa-Online was informed that: The deadly attacks in the United States are a “terrible crime” which Islaam does not accept and no one should applaud them, the head of Saudi Arabia’s Islaamic judiciary said in comments published Friday. “Killing a person who has not committed a crime is one of the major sins […]
Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh on four-day visit to Britain
Fatwa-Online has been informed that: Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh, arrived in London yesterday on a four-day visit to Britain in response to an invitation by London University and the Oxford Center for Islaamic Studies. Shaykh Saalih will deliver a lecture on the Noble Qur.aan at the Oxford Center. He is also due to […]
Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh says suicide bombings are un-Islaamic
Fatwa-Online has been informed that: Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, has asked the people to desist from denouncing any Muslim a disbeliever. The matter should be left to competent religious scholars, the mufti said. Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez also said suicide bombings have no basis in the Sharee’ah as it […]
Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh recommends Muslims boycott Yahoo!
Fatwa-Online has been informed that: Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, has recommended that Muslims boycott the internet portal Yahoo! for its role as a porn online middleman. “I advise Muslims browsing the internet to be wary of suspect sites that seek material interest at the expense of morals. We must […]
Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh criticises April Fool’s Day
Fatwa-Online has been informed that: Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, has criticised the tradition of the April Fool’s Day, saying that Islaam permits lying only in exceptional cases. He warned youth in the Arab world against the practice in a ruling, published in Al-Riyadh newspaper yesterday. “What Muslims […]
“Pokémon” games being withdrawn
Authorities in Riyadh have decided to withdraw Pokémon games from the market after the country’s highest religious authority, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, last week called for a ban on the popular children’s game.