At this, the Shaykh became emotionally affected [by such good news] and cried.
Category: Jewels of Guidance
You must be scared of her
In that case, you must be scared of her, for certainly if you deny this, then you would remain with us for supper.
Allaah is Most-Giving
He used to ask about my children and encourage his [own] children to visit me, may Allaah have Mercy upon Abu ‘Abdullaah.
Advised others to fulfill their trusts
…whereby he offered me some advice and guidance, and encouraged me to the trust [of my position] in respect to the education of the girls; to protect them and their affairs
Treat everyone equally
…ever since I have come to know the truth during my youth I have called/invited to it, and I remain patient at whatever befalls me in that regard.
Helping the wayfarer
Their voices rising with supplications for the Shaykh, and their thanks to the Prince for his respect towards the scholars and appreciation of their rank and position.
Recite a set portion everyday
“Whoever reads an entire juz (part) daily, then he will complete the Qur.aan in a month, and whoever reads two juz daily, will complete the Qur.aan in fifteen days, and so on.”
Saving time
I was none too concerned by these small issues, since all that mattered to me was [saving] time!
Kind to the children
Would you like a [brand] new riyal or an old [used] riyal?
Rights of the neighbours
We will postpone our recording [session] for some time until they finish their work.