I noticed the sound of the Shaykh reciting in prayer; and this at a time when he was desperately in need of sleep and rest, [yet] he was standing before his Lord praying.
Category: Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-’Uthaymeen
I saw you with my own eyes talking to him
The Shaykh answered his question, and the man began to cry, supplicating for the Shaykh.
Do you know who the Shaykh is?
When the Shaykh entered the room, the youth stood up crying and kissed the Shaykh on the forehead.
Got out and pushed the car himself
So the Shaykh got out and pushed the car himself until it started up again.
University property
He would make sure to empty the ink out of his pen into the inkpot before he left, since it was the property of the University.
Those who forsake their beds
Subhaa-nAllaah! I am a young man and have succumbed to sleep, and here is an old man who has succumbed to prayer and worship!
Students from Russia
These are your students. They used to read your books in shelters under the ground during the Communist rule.
Gift from the Prince
Take the car [back] to the Prince and thank him for his noble gesture, and inform him that I am not in need of it.
Helping the wayfarer
Their voices rising with supplications for the Shaykh, and their thanks to the Prince for his respect towards the scholars and appreciation of their rank and position.
Kind to the children
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