I notice some people praying a voluntary prayer, and when the mu.adhdhin announces the start of the prayer, they cut short and dismiss their [voluntary] prayer…
Category: Worship
Pointing without moving the index finger in the tashahhud
What is the ruling regarding moving the [index] finger [of the right hand] during the tashahhud?
Making wudhoo whilst having a false foot
My foot was cut off whilst in jihaad and in its place I put a manufactured foot, so is it obligatory upon me to wash it [during wudhoo] and pass my hand over it if I am wearing a sock?
Raising the hands in supplication after the obligatory prayer
Is there any evidence to suggest that the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ raised his hands in supplication after the obligatory prayer itself…
Performing the Dhuhaa prayer at work
Is it permissible for me to perform the Dhuhaa prayer during official work hours, keeping in mind that [doing so] does not cause any hindrance or delay in the work?
Preventing a small child from passing infront of the worshipper
What is the ruling regarding a small child under the age of 2 years passing infront of the one praying; is it imperative that he is prevented and not allowed to do so?
Joining a praying individual and performing the congregational prayer
Is it permissible for me to stand beside him and pray [along with him] on the basis that this person is the imaam and I am following [him]?
Reciting two soorahs in a single rak’ah
Is it permissible to combine [the reciting of] two Soorahs in a single rak’ah of an obligatory prayer?
The prostration of forgetfulness – before or after the tasleem?
Is the prostration of forgetfulness (sujood as-sahoo) to be done before the tasleem (completion of the prayer) or after it?
Did not make up the days from previous Ramadhaan
Is it permissible for one to break the fast which was [legally] required to be made up? Likewise with the naafilah fast?