What is your opinion regarding the khateeb using a microphone?
Category: Worship
Ghuloo towards the Scholars upon their death
When one of the senior scholars passes away, some of the operators of satellite channels resort to filming the place where the Shaykh would hold his lessons…
Performing the janaazah prayer in the graveyard after burial
If the deceased has been buried in the grave, is it permissible to pray [the janaazah prayer] over him?
Actions which benefit the parents when they are alive and when they have died
What are the actions which benefit the parents, both [when they are] alive and [when they are] dead?
Performing the prayer on behalf of the deceased
Prior to his martyrdom I used to perform the prayer for myself, however, after he was martyred I began to perform the prayer for myself and also on his behalf…
Repeating the istikhaarah prayer
Is repetition of the istikhaarah prayer legislated?
Greeting one another at funerals
When offering condolences, we notice most of the people kiss the one being offered condolences [from the family of the deceased] or [even] embrace them…
Moving the index finger whilst supplicating during the sitting between the two prostrations
What is your opinion regarding the moving of the index finger whilst supplicating during the sitting [of rest] between the two prostrations in the prayer?
Performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the adhaan is being called
What is the ruling regarding performing the Tahiyyatul-Masjid whilst the mu.adhdhin is calling the adhaan
Performing the ablution after taking a bath
If a person enters the state of janaabah (major sexual impurity), and then took a bath, is he required to perform the ablution after having taken a bath?