What is the ruling regarding praying behind one who smokes?
Category: Worship
The sincere and truthful repentance
Reference: I’laam al-Mu’aasireen bi-Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen – Page 315 Question: What is the ruling regarding the one who repents from a sin, then he returns to it again, so he repents again, then he returns to it [yet] again and so on. What is the ruling regarding his repentance? Response: These repentances are all correct, […]
Hiring a reciter to recite the Qur.aan after the death of a Muslim
If someone dies, we call the imaam to recite the Qur.aan for a period of five days, and thereafter, we slaughter [a sheep or a goat] and divide it amongst the people.
Young man wants to repent
I am a young man and want to repent to Allaah, so what should I do to avoid sins?
Completes the missed part of the prayer before Imaam’s tasleem
Is it permissible for the latecomer to [join the congregational prayer and then in the final tashahhud] stand and complete what he has missed of the prayer before the imaam?
Supplicating against your Muslim brother
When I become angry with someone I supplicate against them that Allaah does not grant him success, or any other (such) evil supplication. So what is the ruling regarding that?
The legislated period of mourning
Is it prohibited for a woman who is in her legislated period of mourning to drink coffee with saffron [mixed] in it and other than that?
Following the recitation of the imaam from the mus.haf
Is the recitation [of the Qur.aan] from the mus.haf better than the recitation by heart? We anticipate you benefit us [with your response].
AIDS patient wishes to repent
A person is infected with AIDS and the doctors have determined that his life will be very short. So what is the ruling regarding his repentance at this time?
Verbally pronouncing the intention
At the beginning of the prayer, some people verbally pronounce: “I have made the intention to pray such-and-such as an obligation upon me for the Sake of Allaah the Exalted…”