Is there any evidence for changing places in order to offer the Sunnah prayer after the obligatory prayer?
Category: Worship
Moving the lips in recitation during the prayer
Is it imperative to move the lips in the prayer when supplicating or reciting, or is it sufficient to simply recite without moving the lips?
Wife tempted him and he broke the fast he was making up
His wife, who was not fasting, presented herself to him and he was unable to control himself until he had intercourse with her.
Taking a copy of the Qur.aan from the Masjid
What is the ruling regarding the one who takes home a copy of the Qur.aan from the masjid, especially if this occurs a number of times?
How the beginning and ending of the month is established
What is the ruling regarding a person who saw the new moon by himself [whilst no one else saw it] at the beginning of the month or its ending?
Praying behind the Imaam and reading a soorah in which there is a sajdah
What should I do if I read a Soorah within which there is a sajdah (prostration of recital) whilst praying [in congregation] behind the imaam?
Praying behind the traveller
What should the resident do if he prays behind the traveller?
Had not performed Maghrib prayer from day before
He is [immediately] required to break his prayer, and then make up the missed [maghrib prayer from the day before] and then pray the current maghrib [prayer].
Joining the congregation whilst they are in final tashahhud
A person finds the imaam in the final tashahhud, should he join the congregation or wait for another congregation [to gather for the prayer]?
The imaam remembered he had not prayed the ‘Asr prayer
The Imaam led the Maghrib prayer and during the prayer he remembered he had not prayed the ‘Asr prayer, so what should he do?