Is the obligation of performing the hajj to be undertaken promptly [once all its conditions are met], or to be done at one’s convenience?
Category: Worship
The manner in which the index finger should be moved during the tashahhud
What is the manner [in which] the [index] finger should be moved during the prayer in tashahhud?
What is required of a new Muslim
Between the period he embraces Islaam and [openly] announces his [embracing of] Islaam, is the new Muslim required to perform the obligatory acts as required of [all] Muslims?
Air traffic controller’s shift coincides with the time for prayer
Sometimes his shift coincides with the time for prayer; if he takes a break from his duties to pray, he will be endangering the lives of the passengers. So what is the solution?
Whilst praying the sunnah, the iqaamah is called
Is he required to [promptly] terminate his prayer in order to join the imaam [and congregation] in [the obligatory] prayer, or should he complete his prayer [first]?
The four rak’ahs before the ‘Asr prayer
In the hadeeth it mentions: «Allaah is merciful to the one who prays four [raka’aat] before the ‘Asr [prayer]» is this to be done before or after the adhaan?
Cannot remember having had a wet dream
What is the ruling regarding the one who wakes up from his sleep and finds dampness [on his clothing], yet he does not remember having had a wet dream?
Washing the deceased’s body
When washing the deceased, and before shrouding [the deceased’s body] the bathers place his right hand over his left upon his torso – like in prayer. Is this act legislated?
When the rulings related to travel come into effect
With respect to the traveller, when do the rulings related to travel begin and end?
Raising the hands in supplication during the Jumu’ah khutbah
What is the ruling regarding raising the hands during the supplication of the imaam in the jumu’ah khutbah?