And if he were to find water [after completing the prayer], then he is not [required] to repeat the prayer. This is the opinion of the four math.habs (Hanafee, Maalikee, Shaafi’ee, Hanbalee)?
Category: Worship
Leaving the obligatory prayer on the wedding night
What is the ruling regarding the one who left the maghrib prayer on the night of the wedding, and she then made it up at another time?
The prayer for need and memorising the Qur.aan
I have heard about the prayer of need and the prayer for memorising the Qur.aan; So are these two prayers [legislated] or not?
Praying the witr prayer and adhaan for fajr is called
A man prays the witr prayer, and during his prayer the mu.adh.dhin calls the adhaan for the fajr salaah. So what is the ruling [here], should he complete his [witr] prayer, or what should he do?
She performed hajj without her mahram
Is the hajj of the woman [who travelled] without her mahram nullified?
Visiting al-Baqee graveyard in Madeenah
Is it permissible to visit [the graveyard of] al-Baqee [in Madeenah]?
Eating from the sacrificial meat during hajj
Is it obligatory upon the one who slaughtered [the sacrifice] during hajj to eat from this sacrifice?
Saying “aameen” in the Zhuhr and ‘Asr prayers
If a person finished reciting Soorah al-Faatihah in the quiet prayer (Zhuhr and ‘Asr), should he say ‘aameen’ or not?
Missed the prayer for rain
With regard to the prayer for rain, if a group [of people] enter [the masjid] and [find] the imaam is giving the sermon, after already having just completed the two rak’ah prayer [for rain in congregation], should they [now] offer the prayer [for rain themselves] or should they sit down [with the rest of the congregation] for the sermon? Also, is [the rain prayer] to be made up [if missed]? And [if it is], should they offer the prayer in congregation?
Sa’ee after the farewell tawaaf
Is there a sa’ee [to be performed] after the farewell tawaaf [al-wadaa’]?