What is the expiation for a man who intentionally broke his fast during Ramadhaan without an Islaamically valid reason?
Category: Worship
Fasting the day of doubt
What is the day of doubt and is it permissible to fast on that day?
Doctor advised her not to fast in Ramadhaan
The questioner says she had an operation on her throat and the doctor advised her not to fast the month of Ramadhaan. So is she required to make an expiation or [just] make up [the missed fasts]?
Praying in other than the direction of the qiblah
What is the ruling [in a situation] where it has become apparent the prayer was performed in other than the direction of the qiblah – after having made ijtihaad? And is there a difference between whether this was in a Muslim country or not?
The prayer of the sick
Many of those who are sick pray on their beds, as they are unable to move; so [as a result] they pray without wudhoo. And there are amongst them those who pray in other than the direction of the qiblah, [so] what is the ruling regarding the prayer of these sick people?
Prayer during very short days and nights
In some places [on Earth], the night or the day continue for a long [period of] time, and [in others] they are so short that the time is insufficient for the five [obligatory] prayers; so how should the residents there pray?
Wiping over the socks
And the Raafidhah (Shee’ah) oppose the truth in that which relates to the purification of the foot from [the following] three viewpoints…
Wife does not pray
My wife is a Muslim, and she fasts [the month of] Ramadhaan, however, she does not pray or do any [other religious] acts [of worship, and neither does she obey me or offer her prayer.
Building a masjid in different shapes
Is it permissible to build a masjid in different shapes, such as six-sided?
Elderly grandmother has forgotten how to pray
I have a grandmother who is more than 140 years of age, and is [only] able to move a short distance.