When I was a reckless young man, during the period of my youth, I abandoned the prayer (salaah) for a period of six months; [thereafter] Allaah bestowed upon me guidance and uprightness, and [the conviction to] preserve the [daily] prayers at their [appointed] times. [Now] should I make up the prayers which I had abandoned early on in my life? And are prayers [ever] required to be made up?
Category: Worship
Does the fast of ‘Aashooraa expiate major sins?
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Yes, it expiates…it expiates [the sins of] the year which has passed. Meaning that which it (the year) consisted of sins. That which it (the year) consisted of minor sins. The expiation is for the minor sins. As for the major sins, then they are […]
To single out the day of ‘Aashooraa with a fast
Is it correct to fast the day of ‘Aashooraa by itself? And what is the ruling regarding the one who does so out of ignorance?
The virtue of fasting the day of ‘Aashooraa
Visit our YouTube channel for more Reader: And it is an expiation for [the sins of] a year. Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan responded: Yes. It expiates [the sins of] the year that has passed. Meaning, what it consisted of in terms of [one’s] sins. What it consisted of in terms of [one’s] minor sins. The expiation […]
The prayer of the woman with her husband
What is the Sunnah regarding [the manner of] the prayer of the woman with her husband? Should she stand in line by his side, or should she pray behind him?
What to utter during the prostration of forgetfulness
What is required to be said during the prostration of forgetfulness?
The wording of the ‘Eed takbeer and its manner
Is the takbeer on ‘Eed al-Fitr and ‘Eed al-Adhaa after the prayer – [to be] done in congregation or individually?
Fasting the day of ‘Arafah if it coincides with Saturday
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: Is it…is it permissible to fast…is it permissible to fast the day of ‘Arafah if it coincides with a Saturday? Response: Yes [it is], because you did not intend it. It is not forbidden to fast on a Saturday [itself]. Rather, it is forbidden to fast on a […]
Tawaaf on behalf of the deceased or the living
[Regarding] the tawaaf [around the Ka’bah] on behalf of the deceased; is it permissible?
Cutting the nails during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
I heard from some people that it is not permissible for a person to cut his nails during the first ten [days] of Dhul-Hijjah. Is what I have heard correct?