If the secondary level (high school) exam is in Ramadhaan, is it permissible for the student to refrain from fasting in Ramadhaan so he is able to concentrate on [preparing for] the exam?
Category: Worship
Post-partum bleeding continued beyond forty days
I am a young married woman and Allaah has blessed me with twin boys. I completed my [legislated] forty days post-birth (post partum) period on the seventh day of Ramadhaan, yet, my post partum bleeding continued beyond this time; However, the colour of my post partum blood had changed to how it was prior to the forty days (post-partum period), so what is the ruling regarding my [obligation to perform the] salaah and fasting?
Swallowing phlegm whilst fasting
Does the swallowing of phlegm break the fast?
Water entered his mouth whilst fasting
A man who was fasting took a bath and due to the force of the pressure of the water, water entered [his mouth and then] his stomach without him intending; So is he obliged to make up [the fast for that day]?
Swallowed water whilst doing wudhoo
What is the ruling about one who, whilst doing ablution, swallowed some water?
Swallowed water whilst gargling
One day I swallowed some water after gargling (when making ablution) and when I asked a Shaykh (about it), he told me there was no harm in this since I did not intend to break my fast. So is there anything required of me?
Breathing in dust whilst fasting
Does [breathing in] dust also break the fast?
Using an asthma inhaler whilst fasting
In some of the pharmacies [they sell] inhalers which some of the asthma sufferers use; Is it permissible for the fasting person to use it during the day in Ramadhaan?
Travelling to a country where the days are shorter to fast during Ramadhaan
[What is the ruling regarding] the fasting person travelling from his country which is hot to a country which is cold or to a country where the day is short?
Using eye drops whilst fasting
Does the application of [eye] drops during the day in Ramadhaan break the fast or not?