When was the Ka’bah built, and who raised the foundations? And why was it named as such?
Category: Worship
Reading some ahaadeeth or tafseer of the Qur.aan after the ‘Asr prayer
In some of the masaajid, every day – particularly after the ‘Asr prayer, one of the brothers reads a number of ahaadeeth from the book “Riyaadh as-Saaliheen”; so is this practice [considered to be] an innovation?
Narrating fictitious stories
I narrate fictitious stories to children, and that is to encourage them to pray and be truthful, and all good things [in general]; so is this considered to be lies? [Bearing in mind] they are children, and are unaware, and don’t understand [these are fictitious stories].
Tasbeeh with the fingers
What is the ruling regarding using rosary (prayer) beads for tasbeeh?
Prayers and salutations on the Prophet on the night of jumu’ah
Is there anything [authentically] reported regarding sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet ﷺ on the night of jumu’ah?
Delaying uttering the words of remembrance specific to the morning
What is the ruling regarding delaying until 11am – [uttering] the [legislated] words of remembrance specific to the morning?
Uttering words of remembrance a hundred times
O noble Shaykh, I utter the words of remembrance of Allaah a hundred times, so is this form of remembrance something which has been legislated or not?
Audibly uttering the words of remembrance
Is it a requirement that the words of remembrance are uttered audibly?
Engaging in the remembrance of Allaah
Is it permissible to engage in the remembrance of Allaah whilst not in a state of wudhoo – such as [when uttering the] takbeer [الله أكبر], tahleel [لا إله إلا الله] and tahmeed [الحمد لله], as well as sending prayers and salutations upon the Messenger ﷺ?
Congregational supplication after the prayer
I am asking about the congregational supplication after the prayer, where the imaam supplicates and the rest [of the congregation] respond [by saying] ‘aameen’. [Does Allaah] respond to the supplication done in this manner?