If someone urinated on a carpet or rug, should [we suffice with just] water be[ing] poured on it – just as in the story of the bedouin Arab?
Category: Worship
Offered my prayer without knowing of impurity on clothing
After having prayed, I noticed a very small bit of impurity on my undergarments, so what should I do? Should I repeat the prayer, or is it sufficient for me to just clean the undergarments?
Just a small amount of blood
Why have the scholars mentioned that if a small amount of blood falls on clothing, then it is excused, however a small amount of urine is not excused?
Praying in a garment made from the skin of a predatory animal
Is the prayer [of the one who wore a garment made from the skin of a predatory animal] correct?
Offering the prayer wearing only a vest
Is the prayer wearing only a vest correct, bearing in mind most of his shoulders remain uncovered?
Praying wearing only the lower part of the ihraam
Sometimes in Makkah, some men pray wearing the lower part of their ihraam, without the upper part; so should they be advise not to do so?
Tahiyyatul-masjid or two rak’ahs of Fajr
If I entered the masjid after the adhaan of the Fajr prayer [has been called], should I pray the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid, and then pray the two [Sunnah] rak’ahs of Fajr?
Sufficing with an audio recording of the adhaan
In some of the masjids the adhaan is called using an audio recording; so is this act [something which is] legislated?
Selection criteria for the caller to prayer
When it comes to selecting a mu.adhdhin [to call the adhaan], should we look at how loud his call [to prayer] is, or how beautiful it is?
Wearing tight-fitting or see-through garments
If someone wears a garment which shows some parts of his body from underneath, such as his thighs and shoulders, is his prayer [in that garment] correct?