A man who was fasting took a bath and due to the strong pressure of the water, he ended up swallowing some water without intending to. Does he have to make this fast up?
Category: That which does & does not break the fast
Kissing a woman who is eligible for marriage, whilst fasting
What is the ruling of the one who kisses a young woman, who is eligible for marriage to him, during Ramadhaan. Is it obligatory for him to make up the fast?
Bad Speech during the month of Ramadhaan
Does prohibited (haraam) speech during the day in Ramadhaan nullify the fast?
Giving false witness whilst fasting
Is the fast of one who gave false witness correct?
Using oil-based and liquid-based perfumes whilst fasting
Is it permissible to use perfume such as oil-based ‘ood and colognes and incense during the day in Ramadhaan?
Using eye drops and ointment for the eyes whilst fasting
What is the ruling regarding [putting] eye drops and ointment/liniment in the eyes?
Using atomiser mouth fresheners whilst fasting
There exists in pharmacies fresheners for the mouth in small atomisers. Is it permissible to use them during the day in Ramadhaan to remove the smell from the mouth?
Rulings regarding wet dreams in Ramadhaan
If one who is fasting has a wet dream during the day in Ramadhaan, does this nullify his fast or not and should he perform the ritual purification [of ghusl]?
Excretion of thick and sticky liquid after urinating
Does the excretion of this liquid affect my fast and does it require me to make the ritual purification (ghusl)?
Using toothpaste, ear, nose and eye drops whilst fasting
What is the ruling concerning toothpaste, ear drops, nose drops and eye drops for one who is fasting?