Is Zakaatul-Fitr obligatory or [just] recommended? And upon whom is it obligatory?
Category: Fasting [صوم]
About i’tikaaf
What is the ruling of i’tikaaf, and is it permissible to do it in other than the masaajid (plural of masjid)?
Denying the obligation of Zakaatul-Fitr
What is the ruling for denying Zakaatul-Fitr and how is the denier to be dealt with?
Conversation between male and female on the telephone whilst fasting
What is the ruling regarding the conversation between a male and a female on the telephone whilst fasting. And [what] if they themselves are engaged to each other?
The fast of one who does not pray
We need to know the ruling about the fast of one who does not pray [the obligatory prayers]?
Fasting 3 days and nights in substitute for the 30 days of Ramadhaan
Is it possible for a person to fast three days and nights in Ramadhaan, such that this becomes a substitute for [the] thirty days [of Ramadhaan]?
The one who does not fast
Is the one who does not fast, even though he is not ill or anything, become a disbeliever, despite performing his [obligatory] prayers?
The different categories in fasting
I have heard there are [different] categories in fasting, what is the truth of this statement? And is there a specific reward for each?
The conditions of i’tikaaf
What are the conditions of i’tikaaf, and is fasting one of them? Is it permissible for the person in i’tikaaf to visit a sick person, answer an invitation, fulfil some of his family’s needs, or go to work?
The good and desired actions for Ramadhaan
What are the good and desired actions [specified] for the blessed month of Ramadhaan?