And is it permissible to obey [one’s] parents [if they tell you not to fast whilst taking exams] for that which they have heard of these fataawa which permit not fasting?
Category: Fasting [صوم]
Had sexual intercourse with his wife, unaware that time of Fajr had entered
He feels sinful and asks what is required [of him] as a result of his action [of sexual intercourse after the time of Fajr had began]?
Is wife required to pay kaffaarah if she had sexual intercourse with her husband during the day in Ramadhaan
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan and [as such] he has fasted the penalty (kaffaarah) of two months consecutively.
After taking eye drops, feels taste in throat whilst fasting
If a person puts some [medicinal] eye drops in his eye[s] during the night and then found it’s taste in his throat the [following] day, [does this affect his fast]?
Taking an anaesthetic injection whilst fasting
Does an anaesthetic injection into the body break the fast? [And likewise] the blood flow after having a tooth extracted?
Had wet dream whilst fasting in Ramadhaan
Some people have a wet dream whilst fasting during the month of Ramadhaan. [In this dream] they [see themselves] do evil and ugly acts. So does [any of] this affect their fast?
Whilst fasting, doctor placed medical instrument into her vagina for examination
…do [any of] these obligate her to perform ghusl? And if this occurs in a day in Ramadhaan, does it break her fast and is she required to make up her fast?
Whilst in hospital, they took some blood from him whilst he was fasting
A man had to go to the hospital in Ramadhaan whilst he was fasting. At the hospital, they took some blood from him. Does this affect his fast?
What is required of the one who is unable to fast due to old age or a prolonged illness
What is required of the one who is unable to fast due to old age or a prolonged illness?
That which invalidates the fast
It is obligatory for the Muslim to know of all that invalidates the fast so as to be aware of them.