What is the ruling regarding a woman who gave birth during Ramadhaan a number of times [over a period of a few years] and was unable to make up the days [of fasting] she missed?
Category: Fasting [صوم]
Completed postpartum bleeding before Ramadhaan and then fasted during Ramadhaan
My wife gave birth to a baby just before the blessed month of Ramadhaan, by about seven days, and she became pure before the arrival of the month of Ramadhaan
Sexual intercourse during the day in Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding one who had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan?
Had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan over a period of three consecutive days
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan, over a period of three consecutive days. What is required of him and may Allaah reward you?
Non-Muslim doctor advised me not to fast as it was harmful to my health
The doctor advised me not to fast because it was harmful to my health. After I had not fasted for 15 days, it became apparent to me that the doctor was not a Muslim. What should I do?
Those who are seen not to be fasting during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding someone who was seen not to be fasting in Makkah during Ramadhaan?
15 year old too tired to fast during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding a 15 year old not fasting during Ramadhaan, with the excuse that he is extremely tired and he does not have the ability to complete his fast on a particular day.
Feels extremely thirsty and exhuasted at work whilst fasting during Ramadhaan
He asked me whether it was permissible for him not to fast during Ramadhaan, keeping in mind that he works close to the raging fire whilst baking bread all day long whilst he is fasting.
13 year old daughter too weak and frail to fast during Ramadhaan
A man who has a daughter of 13 years of age began her menses just before the month of Ramadhaan. So he told her to fast.
Parents say not to fast during Ramadhaan because of exams
And is it permissible to obey [one’s] parents [if they tell you not to fast whilst taking exams] for that which they have heard of these fataawa which permit not fasting?