[Statements] have recently appeared – particularly via means of communication – from those who say there is no evidence to support fasting six days in Shawwaal, and [instead] it has come to interrupt the ‘Eed of the Muslims, so what is your opinion regarding this speech?
Category: Fasting [صوم]
What you need to know about Laylatul-Qadr
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: [O] Noble Shaykh, this [questioner] is asking, saying [there] is recurring evidence from the Book and the Sunnah regarding the greatness and virtue of Laylatul-Qadr, [so what is] the most anticipated night that will be Laylatul-Qadr, O Shaykh? Response: Laylatul-Qadr comprises all of Ramadhaan and it is not […]
The correct approach to distributing Zakaatul-Fitr
[Regarding] extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr [for distribution] as money, we ask that you clarify the ruling regarding that?
The length of the i’tikaaf
Is there a specified [length of] time for the i’tikaaf?
Whether to fast or not to fast whilst travelling
[So] Shaykh, this questioner is asking, if I travelled for ‘umrah by airplane during Ramadhaan, should I not fast since I will be travelling by airplane; should I not fast or [should I] fast?
My obligation towards my father who does not pray nor fast
My father does not pray, nor fast; he smokes, and he swears a lot and has a foul and obscene tongue. He has begun to oppress my mother, and I do not love him, and [instead] hate him for doing these things. [So] what is my obligation towards my father?
Do not say “Ramadhaan Kareem”
Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: The questioner says, regarding the saying “Ramadhaan Kareem”, is al-Kareem not Allaah? Response: This has no basis. Their saying “Ramadhaan Kareem” does not have any basis. As for [saying] “Ramadhaan Shareef”, “Ramadhaan Mubaarak”, “Ramadhaan ‘Adheem” – these descriptions are mentioned in ahaadeeth; “‘Adheem”, “Mubaarak”, “Shareef” – [there is] […]
Ramadhaan is an opportunity that may never return
What is your advice to the Muslims on the occasion of the approaching of the month of Ramadhaan, [and] may Allaah protect and preserve you?
Fasting during the month of Sha’baan
Has it been [authentically] established that the Prophet ﷺ used to fast during the month of Sha’baan?
The first ten of Dhul-Hijjah or the last ten of Ramadhaan – which are the best?
Which of the two is best; the last ten of Ramadhaan or the [first] ten of Dhul-Hijjah?