Does going out during the day in Ramadhaan to attend to one’s needs and then being struck by the immodestly dressed women [who uncover those parts of the body which are prohibited to uncover] invalidate the fast or not?
Category: Fasting [صوم]
Sleeping and resting whilst fasting
I spend my day in Ramadhaan asleep or at rest since I am unable to work due to my [experiencing] severe pangs of hunger and thirst, so does this affect the validity of my fast?
Swimming whilst fasting
What is the ruling regarding swimming in the sea or in the pool during the day in Ramadhaan?
Eating hailstones whilst fasting
I heard some of the people saying that hail[stones] do not break the fast because it is not food nor drink?
Swallowing saliva whilst fasting
What is the ruling regarding swallowing saliva whilst fasting?
Smoking whilst fasting
Since smoking is not [considered as] food or drink, and nor does it reach the stomach, then is it [considered to be] that which breaks the fast?
Bathing or taking a shower whilst fasting
Is it permissible for the fasting person in Ramadhaan to comfort himself with water after the Zhuhr prayer by taking a shower or bathe in the pool?
Breathing in water vapour whilst fasting
I inform you that I am one of the employees at the General Desalination Organisation, and the month of Ramadhaan has descended upon us and we are [all] fasting whilst at work.
The wisdom of fasting three days every month
What is the wisdom behind fasting the [three full moon] white days [namely the 13th, 14th and 15th of every hijri month], and why has Allaah specified these [particular days]?
When a child is obligated to start fasting
I was fourteen years of age when my monthly menstrual cycle began, so I did not fast Ramadhaan that year – bearing in mind this action of mine was based upon my ignorance and that of my family’s…