What is the expiation for not fasting during Ramadhaan without a[n Islaamically acceptable] reason? [It’s just that] he did not fast for three days, so if you could explain how much exactly that would be.
Category: Making-up the missed days & expiation
Whether to fast or not to fast whilst travelling
[So] Shaykh, this questioner is asking, if I travelled for ‘umrah by airplane during Ramadhaan, should I not fast since I will be travelling by airplane; should I not fast or [should I] fast?
Broke his fast two minutes early
What is the ruling regarding the one who broke his fast when he heard the mu.adhdhin calling the adhaan for [the] maghrib [prayer], and thereafter it was confirmed the mu.adhdhin had actually called the adhaan two to three minutes early?
Making-up the missed fasts of Ramadhaan consecutively
If a Muslim does not fast for two consecutive days during Ramadhaan due to a [Islaamically] valid reason, then how should he make them up?
At the service of the Prophet ﷺ
When observing the case of ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa), it’s difficult [to comprehend] that she delayed making-up the [missed] fasts [of the previous Ramadhaan] until Sha’baan. So the question arises, did she not fast the voluntary fasts which were encouraged?
Did not fast during Ramadhaan for 4 years
I inform your excellency that I started my menses when I was young – approximately 13 years of age. And [thereafter] for 4 years the month of Ramadhaan passed by and I did not fast…
When are you excused from fasting whilst travelling?
If a person travelled [during Ramadhaan] for pleasure or other than that, is he excused from fasting? And what are the conditions for travel [during Ramadhaan] which would excuse one from fasting?
The pregnant and breastfeeding woman in Ramadhaan
Is the pregnant woman and the breastfeeding woman required to make-up the fast [of the days missed in Ramadhaan] if they did not fast out of fear for their [unborn and breastfeeding] child?
Became excited after kissing his wife whilst fasting
A man invalidated his fast as he ejaculated semen having become excited after kissing his wife. Is he required to make-up the fast [for that day] as well as make an expiation, or what should he do?
Careless in making-up missed days of fasting
I was careless in making-up some of the days which I was required to fast from the previous [month of] Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following month [of Ramadhaan]; so what am I [now] required to do?