Sometimes I fast without making an intention when starting the fast. So is making the intention every day a condition for fasting or is it sufficient to make one intention at the start of the month?
Category: Making the intention
Making the intention to fast in Ramadhaan
How does a person make the intention to fast in Ramadhaan? Is simply knowledge of the start of Ramadhaan sufficient to fast the rest of the days?
Made intention to fast 60 days, but postponed it until Winter
I made the intention to fast for 60 days, as expiation, and postponed it until the Winter. So, what if I die before the Winter?
Fasted without making the intention until later in the day
On the first night of Ramadhaan [preceding the first day of Ramadhaan], a person went to sleep before knowing that the next day will be the first day of fasting.
Awoke, and half-asleep ate some food, then realised that Fajr had already started
So, at that time I stopped eating and began fasting. Knowing I had eaten three or four spoonfuls, do I have to make up this fast or not, O Shaykh?
Awoke, and half-asleep drank some water, but don’t remember at what time
I was half-asleep but, as for the actual act of drinking, then I am sure about that. So, do I make this fast up or not, O Shaykh?
In a state of janaabah and the time of Fajr has entered
What is the ruling, whilst fasting, of making the ritual purification (ghusl) from the major sexual impurity (janaabah) after the time of Fajr [has entered]?