When is it permissible for the pregnant and breastfeeding women to refrain from fasting in Ramadhaan?
Category: Categories of people fasting
Fasting during pregnancy
There is a woman who was nine months pregnant when Ramadhaan arrived, and at the beginning of the month discharge, not blood, would flow from her and she continued to fast whilst the discharge flowed.
Not fasting in Ramadhaan due to military duties
I am a soldier and Ramadhaan has arrived, so is it permissible for me to refrain from fasting, bearing in mind that my [military] duties do not help me when I’m fasting (i.e. he experiences much hardship)?
Post-partum bleeding continued beyond forty days
I am a young married woman and Allaah has blessed me with twin boys. I completed my [legislated] forty days post-birth (post partum) period on the seventh day of Ramadhaan, yet, my post partum bleeding continued beyond this time; However, the colour of my post partum blood had changed to how it was prior to the forty days (post-partum period), so what is the ruling regarding my [obligation to perform the] salaah and fasting?
Doctor advised her not to fast in Ramadhaan
The questioner says she had an operation on her throat and the doctor advised her not to fast the month of Ramadhaan. So is she required to make an expiation or [just] make up [the missed fasts]?
Sick woman unable to fast some days last Ramadhaan
I am a sick woman and was unable to fast some days during last Ramadhaan and have been unable to make up [the missed fasts] due to my illness. So what is the expiation for that? Likewise, I am unable to fast Ramadhaan this year, so what is the expiation for that also?
Died whilst having fasts of Ramadhaan to make up
My father died after an illness which prevented him from fasting half the the month of Ramadhaan, and he had requested that I [make up the missed] fasts for those days. So am I required to do that or can I make an expiation [on his behalf]?
Re-enters the fold of Islaam during Ramadhaan after apostating
A Muslim apostated and then during the day on the 15th of Ramadhaan he repented [and re-entered the fold of Islaam]. Is he required to make up what has passed [of the missed fasts]?
Began menses at 11, but is unfit to fast
A young girl began her menses when she was [just] eleven years old. Is she required to fast, bearing in mind that she is not well and in an unfit state to fast, so what is required of her?
Peptic ulcers and may be unable to fast
This year, by the Will of Allaah, I am determined to fast [for the duration of the month of] Ramadhaan, however, if I am unable, then what is required of me in this case?