So some brothers have informed me that trading in monkeys is haraam, considering they are a sign of punishment and wrath [from Allaah].
Category: Transactions
Selling items used by women for adornment
What is the ruling regarding trading in women’s beauty items [inclusive of clothing], and selling them to women whom the sales assistant knows will wear them to beautify themselves in front of non-mahram men in the streets?
Trading in cigarettes
What is the Islaamic ruling regarding one who trades in cigarettes which are sold under licence from the cigarette company?
Grocery store selling foods containing pig-meat ingredients
Is it permissible to sell food items which contain pig-meat or alcohol?
Farming tobacco and its profits
What is the Islaamic ruling regarding farming tobacco and the money earned by the farmers from selling it?
Buying cigarettes for father
Is it permissible for me to buy tobacco (cigarettes) for my father as he orders me to do so?
Selling cigarettes and not smoking
I am a trader and buy cigarettes for my trade, is this permissible for me, knowing that I do not smoke the cigarettes?
Selling cigarettes, and praying having just smoked
I smoke and when I hear the muadhdhin, I enter the masjid. [So] is it obligatory upon me to repeat my wudhoo or is it enough to just rinse my mouth?
Trading in cigarettes and giving in charity from its profits
What is the ruling about trading in cigarettes and the like. Is it permissible to give in charity and perform Hajj or [other] noble acts using the profits of this trade?
Profits from selling shares in interest-based company
So, is it permissible for me to take this money as it is [if I sell my share], knowing that the shares in Riyad Bank were bought without our knowledge all this time?