Visit our YouTube channel for more Question: [O] Noble Shaykh, this [questioner] is asking, saying [there] is recurring evidence from the Book and the Sunnah regarding the greatness and virtue of Laylatul-Qadr, [so what is] the most anticipated night that will be Laylatul-Qadr, O Shaykh? Response: Laylatul-Qadr comprises all of Ramadhaan and it is not […]
Category: Fatwa
The correct approach to distributing Zakaatul-Fitr
[Regarding] extracting the Zakaatul-Fitr [for distribution] as money, we ask that you clarify the ruling regarding that?
Giving Zakaah to relatives
What is better: [is it] to give zakaah to poor and needy relatives whom I am not financially responsible for, or that I give it to the poor and needy neighbour?
Reciting the Qur.aan to musical notes
What is the ruling regarding reciting the Qur.aan to musical notes?
The length of the i’tikaaf
Is there a specified [length of] time for the i’tikaaf?
Waking up on a cold night in a state of janaabah
Whoever wakes up on a cold day [and finds himself] in a state of janaabah, can he do tayammum [instead of having a bath]?
Whether to fast or not to fast whilst travelling
[So] Shaykh, this questioner is asking, if I travelled for ‘umrah by airplane during Ramadhaan, should I not fast since I will be travelling by airplane; should I not fast or [should I] fast?
Prohibited content on mobile phones
There is a [widespread] trend among the youth with mobile phones; they fill them with objectionable content – such as songs and music, as well as prohibited pictures.
So what is your advice to the likes of these [youth], and may Allaah bless you?
Praying whilst sitting on a chair
I have a question regarding the prayer [whilst seated] on chairs – which has become widespread in the masaajid; it has become widespread in the masaajid. [So] is [the performance of] the prayer [whilst sitting] on a chair better, or [whilst sitting] on the floor – because of the prostration and the rest of the [required] pillars of the prayer?
What to do with haraam earnings
How can I rid myself of haraam money if it has become mixed-up with my halaal money – which I have earnt in accordance with the Islaamic Sharee’ah [guidelines]?