What is the ruling regarding the one who has days of fasting remaining from the month of Ramadhaan yet wishes to fast voluntary fasts or fast the day of ‘Aashooraa (tenth day of Muharram)?
Category: Fatwa
Fasting on the day of ‘Aashooraa only
Is it permissible to fast ‘Aashooraa just one day?
The Hajj of one who does not pray
What is the ruling concerning the one who performs Hajj whilst he has abandoned prayer, either intentionally [because he believes he doesn’t have to] or due to neglect? Is his Hajj acceptable?
Referring to Jabal ‘Arafah as Jabal ar-Rahmah
They refer to Jabal ‘Arafah (Mount of ‘Arafah) as Jabal ar-Rahmah (Mount of Mercy), so what is the ruling regarding this name and is there any basis for this?
Making a long supplication at the beginning of the tawaaf
When they approach the line placed as a sign for the beginning of the tawaaf, they stand there for a long time preventing the[ir] brothers [and sisters] from proceeding with their tawaaf.
The tawaaf and sa’ee of one being carried
The one who is performing the sa’ee or tawaaf carrying a small child or someone who is ill, is he rewarded for the sa’ee and tawaaf along with the one he is carrying or not?
The two rak’ahs behind maqaam Ibraaheem
Is it compulsory to pray the two rak’ahs for the tawaaf behind the maqaam Ibraaheem, and what is the ruling regarding one who forgets this?
The manner in which to cling onto the Ka’bah
What is the manner in which one should cling onto the Ka’bah [between al-Hajar al-Aswad and the door]?
Wudhoo when making the tawaaf and the sa’ee
Is it compulsory to have wudhoo in order to perform the tawaaf and the sa’ee?
The behaviour of some pilgrims after the Hajj
Some of the pilgrims, when they return from the Holy Land to their countries, they remain in their houses for a week without going out, not even for any necessities nor [going out to the masjid] to pray…