On the Day of ‘Eed al-Adhhaa, after leading the people in prayer, he makes wudhoo in front of everyone before he carries out the sacrifice. So, is it permissible to eat the meat from his sacrifice?
Category: Fatwa
Kissing the hand or placing it on the chest after shaking hands
I see some people, after shaking hands, they either kiss their hands or place it on their chest as a form of increased [brotherly] love, so is this permissible?
Buying cigarettes for father
Is it permissible for me to buy tobacco (cigarettes) for my father as he orders me to do so?
Farming tobacco and its profits
What is the Islaamic ruling regarding farming tobacco and the money earned by the farmers from selling it?
Changing to whom what is vowed is to be given
Is it allowed for a person to change to whom what he has vowed is going to go to after he finds that there are more deserving recipients, and after he had specifically stated what and to whom he was going to give?
Selling cigarettes and not smoking
I am a trader and buy cigarettes for my trade, is this permissible for me, knowing that I do not smoke the cigarettes?
Selling cigarettes, and praying having just smoked
I smoke and when I hear the muadhdhin, I enter the masjid. [So] is it obligatory upon me to repeat my wudhoo or is it enough to just rinse my mouth?
Trading in cigarettes and giving in charity from its profits
What is the ruling about trading in cigarettes and the like. Is it permissible to give in charity and perform Hajj or [other] noble acts using the profits of this trade?
Made a vow to fast, but now she is unable to do so
A woman vowed that if she gave birth to a healthy baby and it lived for at least one year, she would then fast for a year. But she is not able to perform the fast.
Going to Makkah or travelling to other countries for da’wah
During the last part of Ramadhaan, which is better to do: Going to Makkah and remaining there for the rest of Ramadhaan or travelling to some countries which are in need of da’wah and education?