What is required from the one who delays making up the fasts of one Ramadhaan until the arrival of the following Ramadhaan?
Category: Fatwa
Doing that which is impermissible whilst fasting
If one who is fasting does that which is not permissible for one who is fasting, does it ruin his fast and does he have to refrain from all that which breaks the fast for the rest of the day?
Taking an injection whilst fasting
I took an injection in my vein during the day in Ramadhaan. Is my fast for this day valid or is it obligatory upon me to make up this day?
Reminding the one who eats during the day in Ramadhaan
If I see a man eating during the day in Ramadhaan and I know he is eating out of forgetfulness, do I remind him or not?
Fajr is approaching and need to make ghusl, and haven’t had suhoor
I need to make ghusl but there is not enough time to perform it nor eat the suhoor, should I perform the ghusl and miss the suhoor or should I eat the suhoor and delay the ghusl until after Fajr?
Forgetfully eating whilst fasting
I fasted a day but I had forgotten during the morning and had eaten. Then, I continued with my fast. Is there any sin upon me?
Joint kaffaarah for both husband and wife who had sexual intercourse during the day in Ramadhaan
If a man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadhaan, is one kaffaarah sufficient for both of them [together]?
Saw the crescent himself, but was unable to inform Sharee’ah court
If a person has ascertained the beginning of the month by having seen the crescent, but was unable to inform the Sharee’ah court, is he obligated to fast?
Continuing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah
Which is better: completing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah (burial)?
I intended to fast every Monday and Thursday but did not vow to do this
I intended to fast every Monday and Thursday but did not vow to do this. So is it obligatory upon me to fast [these two days of the week] all my life?