Some people say that if the Day of ‘Arafah (9 Dhul-Hijjah) falls on a Friday, then it is as if someone has performed 7 Hajjs. Is there any evidence from the Sunnah regarding this?
Category: Fatwa
Cutting the hair from around the base of the head only
During Hajj, we see some people (males) cutting short their hair just from the bottom and around their heads only leaving the rest of the head untouched. They don’t cut any of the hair from there.
Performed Hajj Badal for deceased mother but not for deceased father
I performed Hajj on behalf of my mother after her death, and did not perform Hajj for my father after his death. So is there any sin upon me for having left off performing Hajj for my father?
Performing Hajj Badal on behalf of mother who never prayed
Is it permissible for a daughter to perform Hajj and give in charity on behalf of her deceased mother, knowing that the mother did not pray during her life.
Appointing an ameer during Hajj journey
Is our appointing an ameer (“group” leader) during our Hajj journey permissible or not?
Inauguration ceremonies for masaajid with parties and gatherings
Opening masaajid is done with salaah prayed in it and filling it with the remembrance of Allaah…
Difference between Arab Christians and non-Arab Christians
Is there a difference between Arab Christians and non-Arab Christians?
The Ahmadis (Qadianis), its followers and those who favour them
What is the Islaamic ruling about this new religion Ahmadis (Qadianis) and its followers?
Shaving the moustache and leaving the beard to grow
If a man shaves his moustache and leaves his beard (to grow), is there any sin in this? And what did the Messenger ﷺ used to do?
Praying behind a man who shaves off his beard
A man who shaves off his beard is the khateeb in the central masjid. Do you advise we pray behind him? Please explain.