I ask your excellencies the Sharee’ah ruling regarding them and their ‘aqeedah, and the prayer behind them as this is a contentious issue which many people are unaware of the reality.
Category: Fatwa
Owning magazines within which are pictures
What do you say regarding acquiring/owning magazines within which are pictures; Are these pictures from those which are forbidden?
Drawing living objects – 1
Is making pictures of [all] that which has a soul [from amongst the humans and animals] [considered] major kufr or minor kufr or is it [just] a sin?
Selling a camera
A Muslim man owns a camera, and [now] Allaah has guided him to knowing the truth regarding taking pictures.
Taking photographs
Is taking photographs with a camera haraam or not?
Having picture taken out of necessity
He is in dire need of applying for citizenship and [therefore] asks if it is permissible for him to have his picture taken so as to apply for citizenship as he is in dire need of it?
Buying daily newspapers and magazines
What is the ruling regarding buying daily newspapers and magazines within which are pictures? And what is the ruling regarding taking them to the masaajid to read them?
Drawing living objects – 2
Is drawing [all] that which has a soul [from amongst the humans and animals] permissible if it is done on a bed sheet (cloth) or a carpet or that which is similar to this?
Taking photographs out of necessity
What is the ruling regarding photographic pictures [taken] out of necessity or [simply] for display?
Buying alcohol for use as fuel
Is it permissible to buy alcohol (which is an intoxicant) to use it in such a way by which it will be destroyed, such as using it as fuel or in some manufacturing processes?